ABOUT TDAR The Temporary Department for Academic Research (TDAR) is a perpetually ad-hoc working group pursuing an investigation of academia, appropriating while at the same time acquiescing to the formalized parameters, institutional rituals, and conceptual boundaries of the classroom itself.
More info here.
A gala without M. Night Shyamalan
monochrom ist durchaus eine international agierende, in wien, graz und bamberg situierte kunstneigungsgruppe, seit 15 jahren umtriebig, mit diversen volontariaten in zahlreichen realitäten: internationale kunstszene, apfelsortenzucht, powerpointoperetten, feldgottesdienste, beweisführungen, schirmherrschaften, soziale praxis, game- und schämshows, theorie, internet, dübel und schnittchen. v.a. das sammeln, gruppieren, registrieren und befragen (befreien?) von alltagskulturellen vernarbungen ist monochrom passion und quasi-ontologischer auftrag. kulturarchäologische grabungssondagen in ideologie- und unterhaltungsstätten. staatlich geprüftes rhizom. die schönheit der impliziten kaputtheit der selbstverständlichkeit ist anlass für phänomenologische wollust und (benutzer-)freundliche mikropolitische übernahmen. oder so. bildet to-do-stapel!
Donations welcome.
I'll walk you through simple paper construction techniques that will enable you to make some amazing, transforming models! Once you understand the basic principles it's entirely a process of discovery, so I'll be learning from you too.
Shortly after Planar Structures I, we will be continuing with a deeper investigation of kinetic geometry.Shortly after Planar Structures I, we will be continuing with a deeper investigation of kinetic geometry. We will be seeing what's possible with double sided machine scored paper, and pushing our own folding designs further.
Because this is a workshop, there will be a $5 materials fee.
Begins at 3PM
The study of well structured languages and the sentences they form, as viewed through mathematical constructs.
Prerequisites: Basic Set Theory.
The Philosophical Research Group will be meeting this time to discuss Clothing, in all its many aspects. Some talk has been made of Clothing as Language (in the manner of Roland Barthes), but the thread of discussion can be followed on the PRG FORUM:
Iced Coffee will be served.
Angel dust
Howl (providence metal)
Monolith (philly metal)
Drums like machine guns
The suicide magnets
Air conditioning
This event, beginning at 6pm, will be the introductory lecture of the PIFAS computer science course. The point of this lecture is to give a groundwork for further exploration. By the end, audience members should be able to understand pseudo-code examples presented later in the series, and hopefully be able to make their own.
We will also walk through the development of a very basic "list library" using newly learned pseudo-code knowledge, which will hopefully give a firmer base for everyone to move forward on.