
Upcoming Events
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Past Events

A musical adaptation of The Extraordinaires album, Ribbons of War. A synopsis:

As the intrepid crew of the HMS Valiant arrive on Siros Island, The Captain (Jack Wilmarth) finds himself face to face with Annelies (Amelia Meath), a high-flying pilot and the longstanding girl of his dreams. The two fall fast in love, but after a hasty marriage proposal the reality of a seafaring life compells Annelies to return to the sky. Will the Captain’s jealousy get the best of him? Who will be victorious in the final battle between Air and Sea?

Begins at 8:00PM
August 29: Pure Data Seminar

Wednesday, August 29th at 8pm, the Pure Data seminar continues. This week we continue to discuss the Wavetables and Samplers chapter – seminar members are asked to create new patches dealing with the material from the second half of the chapter, preferable sample based.

Bring your own machine if possible.

Awesome dayshow at PIFAS:

Captain Ahab (Los Angeles) - Bringing an awesome dance party

Erin Gleeson w/ Showbeast (Oakland) - Bringing an awesome movie to screen

Duran Duran Duran (Philly) - Bringing some fresh beats

Dretime (Philly) - Bringing a new record!

Rowan & Hastings (Philly) - Bringing it

Begins promptly at 4:00PM.
August 25: Race Day Festivities

Three notable cycling races took place during the month of August, the third of which will commence at 2pm on the afternoon of Saturday August 25. These competitive cycling events were all part of the 1st Annual Summer Slam Race Series. The race will end right here at the Institute, where a civil gathering and party of sorts will ensue. Refreshments will be provided.

Tentative start time is 5pm

All are welcome.

August 23: Pure Data Seminar

The Pure Data seminar continues Thursday, August 23rd at 8pm. This week we will discuss samplers and some of the new objects introduced in the week’s homework chapter: Wavetables and Samplers. Additionally, seminar participants are asked to create a patch using concepts learned in the chapter. Patches will be posted to the seminar’s homepage.

Bring your own machine if possible.
August 22: Freedom of Information Act Workshop

Jessica Levy and Steve Gotzler of the American Civil Liberties Union present a workshop on the Freedom of Information Act and its current significance.

Snacks at 7:30pm.
Presentation begins promptly at 8pm

August 18: -
August 16: Pen16 Club

Pen 16 club meets monthly on the 16th to draw in a group environment with indelible or semi-indelible materials (no pencils please). Topics include collaborative drawing, still life, drawing games, and the trembling line.

Bring pens and paper. 8-10pm.
August 15: Pure Data Seminar

Wednesday, August 15 at 8pm is week 2 of the Pure Data seminar. The first week we went over an introduction to the Pure Data environment and the general programme of the seminar. Week 2 we will discuss the first homework assignment, the first chapter(Sinusoids, Amplitude and Frequency) of Miller Puckett’s Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music (PDF). Pure Data examples available here. Also, seminar members are asked to create a small Pure Data patch to review with the group.

BYOM (bring your own machine) if possible.
August 11: First Night of Game Lab

This Saturday, we happily announce the festive inception of Game Lab, where public and faculty alike can play and invent novel as well as lesser-known games, such as Khet, Geilo, and the new outdoor game of derring-do, “Tetnis.”

We encourage you to bring your own unknown games— from the Orient, from your childhood, or games yet untested— to this larger circle of individuals, for play and development.

We will also provide chilled mate and coffee drinks to hyperenergize the crowd, before and during gametime.

Activities begin at 5PM, with "Tetnis."