Ramsey Arnaoot
Ramsey Arnaoot
Since 1980.

I am most interested in free/open source and bottom-up projects - to this end, the EJJ Memorial Fellowship Program is committed to bringing artists to Philadelphia to work in this fashion, in spite of a lack of institutional backing. The hope is that if enough people would start running similar programs out of their homes and workspaces, the world would be a much more connected and interesting place. Similarly, the Pure Data group and the Pen 16 Club are run collaboratively as seminars, with each member playing the role of actor and audience, student and teacher simultaneously.

I'm now in my final month at the Institute, and accordingly I've set up a show every Sunday at the Gallery Under the Stairs in my studio, curated a show of the work I received from my ongoing drawing exchange, set up a final residency project, and I'm currently finishing up the work on a going away show.

Email: ramseyarnaoot [at] gmail [dot] com