Jo Apps
Jo Apps
A man of simple tastes, with little time for recreation, he was a lover of good reading, and caused much amusement by his quaint Sussex interpretation of prose and poetry when he was asked to entertain us at the Penny Concerts, which were at one time a popular feature in the village hall.

His unsophisticated manner ensured to him many friends and he was equally popular with all classes in the district. in spite of his humourous activities he never aspired to riches, and the feeding and rearing of his family in reasonable comfort was his main ambition. An illness intervened which curbed any further activities, and after Mother's death at the age of 82 years in 1924 he became bedridden for three years and was well cared for by a daughter living in the village, until his death in 1927, at the age of 84 years.

A life not to be envied in some respects, but may well be commended by the words "here lived a man whose interest was the welfare of his fellow men."