April  Glaser
April Glaser
April Glaser studied Philosophy and Anthropology at Temple University. Glaser was instrumental in the creation of Radio Free Nashville, a low power community radio station in the backyard of her home in Tennessee. Glaser moved to Philadelphia in 2006 to work with the Prometheus Radio Project where she organized public testimony for the FCC Public Hearings about Media Consolidation in 2006-2007 nationwide. Her organizing efforts with Prometheus’ national campaign helped propel the passage of the 2011 Local Community Radio Act, which expands the low power FM radio service for noncommercial community groups. Glaser has worked on media reform from the hyper local, grassroots level to the national political level, receiving her first invitation to meet with commissioners at the Federal Communications Commission at the age of 18. Her research and policy public-outreach has contributed to the FCC rulemaking process. She has spoken extensively at national and international conferences on media, organized numerous lectures, academic events, and is an assistant for Dr. Lewis Gordon at CAJS at Temple University.

On the community level April has exhibited work in multiple galleries and art events in Philadelphia and New York and curated film screenings with acclaimed filmmakers. In 2010 April curated an exhibit at the sadly closed GERM Books gallery in Philadelphia.

April's work with Radio Free Nashville was featured in the book FIghting for Air by NYU professor Eric Klienenberg